
Episode 140 Blacklisted returns, their impact on Philly Hardcore and more
Episode 140 Blacklisted returns, their impact on Philly Hardcore and more Its impossible to not take mention Blacklisted put the scene on the map 20 years ago. I talk a bit about it. Not too deep and this is a short jawn. Much love to the Phillies for being consistent....
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Episode 139 Bob Wilson.. Savior of Hardcore
Episode 139 Bob Wilson.. Savior of Hardcore Once again Bob Wilson joins the show and talks about the upcoming Unbroken/Blacklisted shows at the Church, FYA and lots more. www.instagram.com/wilsonswar www.instagram.com/fyafest www.instagram.com/rebirthrecords_ Opening Track of the Episode PNM (For Myself) by Hold My Own Off the newly released “In My Way”...
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Episode 138 Dog Eat Dog Jon & Dave talk new record ” Free Radicals”
Dog Eat Dog lead a revolution in the 90s with their All Boro Kings release and took the literal world by fire. Times got tough but Dave and Jon founding members of Dog Eat Dog never gave in. In fact, “Never Give In” is a new track off the upcoming...
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Episode 136 The Return of Cold As Life
Episode 136 The Return of Cold As Life Despite internet fan fiction writers best efforts to make the 90s hardcore scene into something it never was, I put forth some real thoughts towards what this show really means, some of what was the real aspects of hardcore that is completely...
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Episode 135 Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts
Episode 135 Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts In our continuing discourse on merch cuts, LiveNation is changing their tune and singing a new tune. Our friends in NIVA and others aren’t exactly sure if the juice is worth the squeeze. Opening Track of the Episode Discontent ” D.F.T.L ” off...
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