
Episode 26 Luis Aponte.. Growing, Learning and Understanding.
Episode 26 Luis Aponte.. Growing, Learning and Understanding. Luis Aponte, a son of PAHC grew up in Allentown, learning from his father about hardcore and straight edge at a very young age. Between skateboarding, finding DIY shows to attend at the Secret Art Space in Bethlehem, PA, he would be...
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Episode 25 The Return of Richie Mancuso… Hardcore’s Cultural Value and It’s Successes.
Episode 25 The Return of Richie Mancuso… Hardcore’s Cultural Value and It’s Successes. There is no better person to be This Is Hardcore Podcast’s first return guest : Richie Mancuso. For those who haven’t checked out his first appearance, TIHC Episode 7 is an awesome story of Richie’s beginnings and...
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Episode 24 – Damien Rodriguez. Smashing Through Everything and Never Giving Up.
Episode 24 – Damien Rodriguez. Smashing Through Everything and Never Giving Up. Damien Rodriguez is a talented tattooer who is best known for his japanese art. But before he became known on multiple continents for his beautiful work, he was a stalwart of the Philadelphia Hardcore scene. Damien is also...
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Episode 23 Greg Falchetto… From The Mongoloids to Digital Managment
Episode 23 Greg Falchetto… From The Mongoloids to Digital Managment Greg Falchetto grew up in New Jersey Hardcore. He was going to shows all through north and central NJ before he was even able to drive. He would learn the ropes of selling merch with bands like Senses Fail before...
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Episode 22 Alex March.. Energy, Healing and the Power to Overcome.
EPISODE 22 ALEX MARCH.. ENERGY, HEALING AND THE POWER TO OVERCOME. Alex has lead an incredible life, and has battled and won against demons, spoke to angels and has managed to heal so many with her many talents and innate spirituality which has been with her since a very early...
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