
Episode 60 Brett Rasmussen of Ignite .
Episode 60 Brett Rasmussen of Ignite. Brett from Ignite has an incredible story that starts in high school with picking up the bass and thinking it would just be something he did for fun during his high school years. Fast forward more then 30 years later and he is a...
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Episode 59 – Keystone Holiday Jam 2021.
Episode 59 – Keystone Hardcore Jam 2021. Joe takes you down a playlist with commentary of all the bands playing Keystone Jam 2021 Opening Track of Episode “Punishment – Decemeber Third” This podcast is dedicated to all of our lost friends. May they watch over us. Here is the playlist...
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Episode 58 Joe Mchenry -Being Thankful for Everything Hardcore Punk Has Given Us.
Episode 58 Joe Mchenry -Being Thankful for Everything Hardcore Punk Has Given Us. With the Holiday season upon us, I wanted to introduce you to Joe Mchenry, One of my best friends whose love and passion for hardcore has pushed me when I needed some uplifting. You’ve heard us bring...
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Episode 57 Parris Mayhew Part 2 : City Kids, The Story Behind The Music.
With the release of “City Kids” the second video/song from The Aggros, Parris returns to the podcast to discuss the details from the inspiration to the technical aspects of shooting the video, as well as the creation of the music and what went into the writing from inspiration to the...
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Episode *In Between
Last week was hectic and this week was equally difficult to get the task done so I prattle on about some things related to the show, our world that might not have been covered in detail etc. Be sure to check out www.daze-style.com Opening track of the episode- Out For...
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