Episode 48 Rob Will To Live. Tested and True.
Episode 48 Rob Will To Live. Tested and True.
Where would Texas Hardcore be without Rob and Will To Live? From growing up in El Salvador, immigrating to the US, Rob would grow to love the underground music scene, be it death metal, or later when he found Sick Of It All.
Once he landed in Houston, he found his home and began building the scene into the powerhouse it would become.
Much of our conversation centers around his band Will To Live and the scene as it grew and what he put into it.
So much has come to fruition from the seeds planted that this conversation with my old friend will illuminate the who and how of the back then.
But Rob isn’t done yet, Will To Live is back to playing shows with a solid Lineup, he has a new projected called True Intentions which begin to play their first shows this weekend. Despite all the ups and downs, Hardcore is still a driving force of Rob’s life and he is not stopping anytime soon.
True Intentions
True Intentions IGWill To Live
Will To Live TXHC IG
https://testedandtruecompany.bigcartel.com/ (rob’s business)
https://theweightofrespect.bandcamp.com/ (side project while Will To Live went on hiatus 2008-2010
https://wwwscentsofhope.scentsy.us/ (Rob’s business with his wife)
Opening Track of the Episode
“Point Of Origin”
True Intentions