Episode 36 Back To the Beginning: This Is Hardcore 2006.
Episode 36 Back To The Beginning: TIHC 2006
(photos by robby redcheeks)
Its time to talk TIHC. Something I’ve been meaning to do, but never had the stream of conscience thought or the time to push forward and try to record an episode on my own.
This is 2 hours of my thoughts on This Is Hardcore’s origins, some ideas and general who, what, where , when and some why’s.
Some Q & A’s to end up then episode. Hopefully this will put some things in perspective for you all. It was hard to do one with no one else, and I think I’ve got along way to go to touch what Dan Carlin does, but I hope you enjoy this regardless.
Opening Track of Episode:
Pillars of Ivory “Levicticus”
Off the new release “Genesis to Levicticus”
PreOrders Up on Triple B Records
Triple B Records