Episode 32 Walter Schreifels. A Look Into His Early Years.
Episode 32 Walter Schreifels. A Look Into His Early Years.
Walter Schreifels discography is one of the most celebrated not only in NYHC but in hardcore punk and indie music.
Due to a short window of time, the conversation focuses at the very beginning of Walter finding music and hardcore punk in his local area. As another Queens kid, he would benefit greatly from running into local hardcore kids and as they say the rest is history. From his earliest days as a kid in high school finding bands, to eventually being the roadie for Kraut, later playing in bands like Warzone, Youth of Today and starting the Gorilla Biscuits, we hit all the bases for now. We will be reconnecting with Walter to go over what comes after Gorilla Biscuits ends and Quicksand and the age of Post Hardcore begins.
Be sure to check out his new show New Direction on Vans Channel 66 focused on Hardcore and Punk, Live show every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 5-7pm ECT, tune in!
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New Direction Show on Instagram
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Opening Track of the Episode :
Borstal “Refuse To Lose” off of At Her Majesty’s Pleasure on 4 Family Records
April 1, 2021 Release
4 Family Records
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