Episode 15 Tim Borror.. His Rise to Success & How He Booked All Your Favorite Bands.
Episode 15 Tim Borror.. His Rise to Success & How He Booked All Your Favorite Bands.
Tim Borror is a Philadelphia Hardcore Legend, who has had his hands in booking shows as early as 1987, and later would become one of the most successful booking agents in Hardcore Punk and in Metal. He began booking Killing Time and Vision a US tour, and the rest they say is history. He worked out of a North Philly apartment booking both shows and running his own booking agency, handling bands like Sheer Terror, Life of Agony and Type O Negative. I don’t want to transcribe the entire contents of the conversation in this bio, but needless to say, by the time he was 20, he was responsible for booking so many of our favorite bands from both hardcore and metal. His impact in american heavy metal, the rise of swedish death metal and also in metalcore today is absolutely astounding. There are so many good stories and lessons on how he graduated to the big leagues while still keeping his core beliefs intact. Throughout all of this, he still regards himself as a punk rocker/hardcore kid at heart. Which considering the magnitude of the work he puts in with some serious bands, its a testament to the same tenets we’ve spoke about with other guests, DIY spirt, the inspiration and never give up attitude which drives him as an entrepreneur from a very early age, to a very powerful and successful booking agent with almost 30 years in the business. His story speaks for itself and there is much to learn from our conversation. Whether you’re in a band, or just want to know how or why people get involved in the music industry beyond being in a band, this is an absolute master class on all of the things that aren’t written in text books.
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