Episode 123 AJ of Preserving Hardcore and FaceWreck
Episode 123 AJ of Preserving Hardcore and FaceWreck
AJ has been a pivotal part of the Pittsburgh Area Hardcore scene for a long time before he was ever given credit for it. Continuing from the Ty Dawson episode last week, we learn even more about the western PAHC scene.
Through the trials and tribulations, AJ has come to be at the center of all the best hardcore punk activity in his home area. Taking his distro to a brick and mortar record store, then renovating a church just outside Pittsburgh, PA to be a Record Store and Venue that has 2 separate rooms under the name Preserving Hardcore, he has come to be the King who built his own castle.
His story is awesome and the fact that he still has time to perform with Facewreck just continues to show his dedication to the scene.
Year Of The Knife Go Fund Me
Opening Track Of The Episode
Outta Pocket ” Wrong Hand” off Waste Of A Man
The record is available now for pre-order on the Streets of Hate webstore, and will be released on July 7th 2023.