Episode 60 Brett Rasmussen of Ignite .
Episode 60 Brett Rasmussen of Ignite.
Brett from Ignite has an incredible story that starts in high school with picking up the bass and thinking it would just be something he did for fun during his high school years. Fast forward more then 30 years later and he is a professional musician in a band that has taken him all over the globe and continues to put out music and excite fans.
Brett lays down alot of information, insight and good advice on how to not only take chances and try things out but how to actively take your band’s business serious while still maintaining a hands’ on DIY approach.
We talk alot about the life of Ignite and its releases and members and even start the episode off with a new rendition of an old favorite with their new singer Eli Santana (of Holy Grail)
I’ve been a fan of ignite for over 25 years and I’ve worked with and been friends with Brett for a long time and this was a great conversation with alot to learn from.
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Opening Track of the Epsiode ” Ignite “Turn XXI”